Yurii Andrukhovych

Yurii Andrukhovych was born on March 13, 1960, in Ivano-Frankivsk. He studied at a specialized school №5 with advanced study of German.
As a young man, he was the leader of the well-known literary group Bu-Ba-Bu («Burlesque-Balagan-Buffonada») and is actively engaged in community activities.
Mr Yurii has a strong civic position, supporting the European integration of Ukraine.
Yuri is the author of the translation into the Ukrainian language of the play Hamlet by William Shakespeare and the American poets «Death Day of Mrs Day» (2006). He speaks Ukrainian, Russian, Polish, English and German.
Andrukhovych's poetry holds a prominent place in the work of the legendary Ukrainian rock bands «Plach Yeremii» and «Mertvyi Piven».
He is also a loving husband, father and grandfather.