
In the section "Transport Ivano-Frankivsk», you have the opportunity to get acquainted with the routes of public transport. You can also track public transit online on a city map using the services:



  • MY TAXI - 995 / +38(068) 4 378 378

    Freight transportation / +38(050) 803-41-82, +38(097) 288-58-42

    Taxi «Draiv-Ekonom» / +38(050) 672-35-28, +38(096) 331-27-31, +38(093) 020-41-11

    Taxi «Halychyna» / +38(050) 661-85-26, +38(067) 969-68-40, +38(068) 144-20-89

    Taxi «Etalon» / +38(050) 373-62-46, +38(067) 296-88-81, +38(050) 552-86-36, +38(063) 40-10-158, +38(068) 10-41-000

    Taxi «Karpaty» / +38(050) 434-31-10, +38(067) 790-13-68

    Taxi «Lider» / +38(0342) 66-66-8, +38(0342) 755-111, +38(050) 674-78-83, +38(067) 944-04-82, +38(063) 178-63-83, +38(067) 344-46-40

    Taxi «Mersedes» / +38(0342) 71-70-51 (VIP), +38(067) 7-600-500, +38(050) 670-70-70, +38(063) 342-11-11

    Taxi «Servis» / +38(050) 950-09-14, +38(067) 739-41-69

    Taxi «Spartak» / +38(0342) 55-20-55, +38(050) 657-05-80, +38(067) 681-75-84

    Taxi «Stanislav» / +38(050) 588-67-11, +38(067) 947-02-83, +38(067) 344-46-60

    Taxi «Fortuna» / +38(067) 252-85-34, +38(068) 144-56-31, +38(050) 584-62-47

    Taxi «Chempion» / +38(050) 540-42-12, +38(067) 343-09-10, +38(067) 977-10-10

    Taxi «Yavir» / +38(0342) 78-22-22, +38(0342) 75-30-54, +38(0342) 50-70-54, +38(050) 517-88-51, +38(050) 373-00-54, +38(067) 965-36-36, +38(093) 697-98-00, +38(068) 104-18-30

    Taxi InterCITY / +38(050) 672-35-28, +38(096) 331-27-31, +38(093) 020-41-11
    InterCITY accepts pre-orders for passenger transportation, transfers anywhere in Ukraine and beyond

    Optimal Taxi / 579 or +38(093) 857-11-11

  • Car rental is a service that every driver should know about. If you are travelling - there can be many reasons to rent a vehicle. Here are the companies that offer low-cost car rental in Ivano-Frankivsk: