Tourist and Investment Center

On May 7, 2016, the Tourist Investment Center was opened in Ivano-Frankivsk, the purpose of which is to provide visitors with tourist information. 

In the Information and Advertising zone information services are provided for the visitors:

  • database of tourist service providers (guides, translators, accommodation establishments, etc.), information booths, brochures, publications about the city with tourist information, maps;
  • information and advisory assistance;
  • tourist accommodation, hotel reservation in the city;
  • promotion of recreational facilities, hiking trails, etc.;
  • rental of devices for self-guided city tours;
  • selling local craftsmen and tourist products (photo albums, local literature, video production, etc.) 
  • promotion of local tourist services and products.



4A, Halytska Street

City Hall (left wing)



+ 38 050 424 83 04

+38 067 340 34 67


Working hours:

Tue-Fri: 10:00-18:00

Mon: 10:00-16:00

